Everyone Should Have a Duck

My grandpa sent me a link to the below video yesterday about a trucker and his duck. Yes, that’s right. Joe has a pet duck named Frank that rides in the front seat of his truck on all of his jobs.

It’s a happy little story. Joe muses that “if more people had a duck in their life, maybe we wouldn’t all be so mad at each other all the time.”

Havi, who I mentioned here yesterday, also has a duck. Her name is Selma and she is of a brighter, smaller, wide-eyed variety. I suspect Havi and Selma would agree with Joe’s philosophy.

My husband loves to reminisce about a pet duck he had as a child. Football (aptly named for the way he was carried happily tucked under hubby’s arm like a football) was one of those tall white ducks. You know, like Webster who used to help David Copperfield in his magic shows.

Hmm, there are more people with ducks than I realized. And all of those duck people do seem happier. Joe may be on to something.

Anyway, here are a few videos of people and their ducks. (Or is it the other way around?) Enjoy!

Joe and Frank:

David Copperfield and Webster:

Update: I had to pick a new David Copperfield clip. The other one was in a foreign language.


  1. brandi said,

    Friday, April 24, 2009 at 10:21 am

    OMG that is too freaking adorable! and when I hear that duck just quaking away, I think he’s giving his commentary on the whole thing. :-)

    also, I responded to your comment on my last post regarding fear-it’s in the comments section.

    I haven’t been responding much to comments within the actual comments section of the post much and have started doing that and just didn’t want that to be missed.

  2. Friday, August 14, 2009 at 3:15 pm

    […] in April I began to realize how many people had ducks- when my husband was little he had a pet duck named Football, Havi has Selma, David Copperfield had […]

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